This whole Coranvirus Pandemic has brought out a lot of emotions in me. I am touched by the effects of this event that have brought to the forefront the fighters of this invisible enemy. I am so grateful for the frontline soldiers, who are the equivalent of the Marines, that go in first to the warzone – the Nurses and Doctors – who are tirelessly putting their lives on the line to care for those that need them in order to survive. Then we have the Police Officers and Firefighters who put their lives on the line every time they put on their uniforms in order to protect us. We can’t forget the heroes that are easily overlooked: the suppliers (truck drivers, grocery and pharmacy workers) who put their lives on the line to supply us with life’s necessities that the healthy need to survive.
In a rare time that is forcing us to social-isolate, it is strangely bringing us closer together as a society. There is nobody that is immune from this experience, so it is leveling the social status across the world. We are all on an equal field at this moment in time. It has brought the good out of most of us and we are seeing it in the kind actions being displayed. It is a humbling moment that reminds us that although we may feel like we are powerful and in control, there is something greater than us that is ultimately in control.

It is interesting how the moment your freedom is ripped away, is the moment that you want it back. I asked my 17-year-old daughter how her friends are doing during the stay-at-home isolation period and she replied: “They are wondering when we will be free again.” This is an interesting comment coming from a generation that has unknowingly self-isolated themselves by being on their cellphones constantly and mostly interacting with each other from their homes through apps such as Snapchat and TikTok. Yet…they still want the control to have the choice to gather together with a group of friends and sit next to each other while focusing on their phones. This social distancing is having an effect on everyone. Try to encourage your teenage kids to designate a certain time with friends to talk on Facetime. Encourage playing games with each other or answering questions to get to know each other better or to vent their feelings. Bonds can be made stronger and I expect to see less technology being used when groups are together again after the social distancing ends.
With all the stress from this virus such as loss of income, loss of group socialization, worry, fear and uncertainty, emotions are running high and a lot of depression is setting in. Incorporating healthy daily activities that help combat these feelings will be a big game-changer during this time and for the rest of your life.

Like it or not, for at least the next 30 days, you will have a lot of time on your hands as you practice social distancing by staying home. This is a great time to work on quitting bad habits while you start positive daily habits such as Meditation, Affirmations, Yoga/Stretching, Daily Exercise Regimen, and Gratitude Journal. Be honest with yourself and write down one bad habit you want to give up over the next 30 days. It only takes 21 days to change a habit and if you can replace the bad habit with a good habit, your chances of success go up even higher.
Introduce or Re-introduce positive daily habits into your life that you can carry with you even after life gets back to normal. Like a bad habit, it only takes 21 days to create a new habit. Meditation is a great stress reliever and helps with anxiety, worry, and fear. Meditating for 10-15 minutes every morning after you wake up will ground you for the day and the stress that will come along with it.
Affirmations are a great way to retrain your brain to speak positively to yourself. Write down 10 affirmations on a piece of paper and tape it to your bathroom mirror. Every morning, while you are brushing your teeth, go over your Affirmation list to reaffirm positive thoughts. Here are some to get your creative juices started: I am fearless. I am patient. I am hopeful. I am abundant. Even if you don’t believe what you are writing and reading, with time you will change your beliefs. After all, your reality is what you continue to believe.

Along with Meditation and Affirmation recitation, Yoga or Light Stretching is an excellent activity to incorporate into your morning routine. Spend 10-15 minutes stretching your body through Yoga poses or just the simple act of stretching. You can find beginning Yoga classes on YouTube to teach you some simple poses you can start to do right away. If you want to stick to just stretching on your own, you can start with shoulder rolls, head rolls, stretching from side to side, etc. focusing on all areas of your body.
In my opinion, exercise is the closest we can get to a Fountain of Youth. There are so many medical benefits from exercising daily. Once you get into the habit of exercising daily, you will look forward to the time that you have dedicated to yourself. If you don’t already exercise, start walking for 20 minutes and then work your way up to faster and longer periods of time. I love HIIT! HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) has been proven to be the greatest way to get the benefits of exercise in the shortest amount of time. Look up some HIIT exercise routines on YouTube if you want to try it out. Decide when the best time to exercise will be for you on a daily basis based upon your usual schedule and start exercising at that time so it is easier to transition into your regular lifestyle and prevent the possibility of you giving it up once life gets back to its normal, hectic schedule.
Close out your day by writing in a Gratitude Journal. Reflect upon the day and write down everything you are grateful for. It doesn’t have to be elaborate and it doesn’t have to use too much mental energy. Start out with a simple statement: I am thankful for my family. Let it build from there.

Now that we have gone through each good habit to incorporate into your life, let’s look at how much time it will take out of your day to complete it every day. Meditation: 10 minutes. Affirmations: 2 minutes. Yoga/Stretching: 10 minutes. Exercise: 20 to 60 minutes. Gratitude Journal: 10 minutes. Total estimated time for morning activities: 22 minutes (Meditation/Yoga/Affirmations) If you decide to exercise in the morning, add the 20-60 minutes for a total estimated time of 42-82 minutes. Total estimated time for evening activities: 10 minutes. Total daily estimated time spent: 52 to 92 minutes. Less than two hours out of sixteen waking hours to dedicate to yourself. You deserve it!