Look at life as a garden. You plant the seed. The flower grows a sprout emerging from the top of the ground. It gets light from the sun and nourishment from the ground. It begins to grow taller and taller. It blooms. Then the petals begin to fall and the stalk begins to retreat back to the earth. Your physical being is exactly like this. There is birth, life, and death, or rather, transformation to the next level.
What you want in life follows the same path. Be patient with your dreams and your goals. Nurture them. Give them attention and focus. Do what you must do to tend to them and bring them to life. Watch them grow. Don’t give up on them, because once you do, they wither and die. Watch them flourish and grow.
Follow your dreams. Your dreams are not fantasy. Your dreams are a reality that can come true if you don’t let them float away. Dream big. Dream daily. Dream of how you want your life to be. Dreams of your lover. Dream of your children. Dream of your parents. Dream of travel. Dream of bettering your life. Dream of bettering the lives of others. Dream often.
Don’t be afraid to dream BIG. Anything you can be, have or want will be yours if you follow your dreams. Follow your path. Realize that everything in life has a gestation period and this includes your dreams and goals. Have faith. Believe. Focus. Understand. Have patience and realization. Practice goal-setting.
*excerpt from my book “Spiritual Guidance for the Physical World” available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1657808270
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