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Ten Self-Improvement Quotes to Immediately Empower You

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EVERY NEW DAY IS ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY TO BE A BETTER YOU. Let go of the mistakes of yesterday, but keep the lessons.  Do not hold onto regret for anything that happened in the past.  When you do, it keeps you from becoming a better version of yourself.  It holds you back.  You can’t change the events of the past, but you can create better events today and in the future.  Erase the chalkboard of life every morning.  Look at yourself in the mirror and say that today you will be a better version of yourself than you were yesterday.  Then go out and start fulfilling that goal.

ALWAYS BE TRUE TO YOU. There is only one YOU in this world.  We are all unique individuals and we all bring our own gifts to the world.  Be confident in who you are and the gifts that you possess.  You may not know what those gifts are.  If you don’t feel that you have anything special to give the world, look within yourself at the beauty of you.  Look to your compassion, loyalty, empathy, or sincerity.  These are all gifts that you give the world through every person that you encounter.  Don’t be afraid to let your light shine!

chasing butterflies, little girl, wildflowers

DON’T CARE WHAT OTHERS THINK. When you care what others think, it holds you back from what you really want in life and the person you want to be.  You only get one trip in this lifetime.  One trip as the person you were born to be in this life.  Embrace that.  Chase your dreams.  Follow your heart.  Don’t make excuses to anyone and don’t care what others think.  This is YOUR life.

IF IT DOESN’T FEEL RIGHT, DON’T DO IT. Follow your Intuition.  Listen to the voice of your Higher Spirit to guide you in the direction you need to go in.  Don’t do something if it doesn’t feel right to you.  Tune into your vibration/your gut feelings/your intuition.  When you feel something deep inside that is telling you something doesn’t feel right, trust that feeling and listen to it.  It will save you a lot of time and heartache and will keep you on your path instead of taking you on a detour.

boat, bow, water

YOU ARE PERFECT JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.  Your perfection comes in the form of your creation.  Your spirit/soul was chosen to be carried through this life in the body/vessel you were given.  Honor and respect it.  You are perfect, even through your perceived faults.  If there were no perceived faults, there would be no need for self-improvement, growth, and conscious evolution.  When you honor and respect yourself, you long for self-improvement and growth and consciously evolve.

CHOOSE TO CONSCIOUSLY EVOLVE.  Every single creature on this planet, no matter how small or how big, evolves.  Evolution is a natural occurrence in life as we all age every second of every day.  Conscious Evolution is the ability to consciously evolve by living your life mindfully and open-eyed.  There must be control and mindfulness if you are going to consciously evolve.  You must remain mindful in the NOW and ignore the past and future.

BE THE LIGHTHOUSE FOR OTHERS.  You can be a lighthouse for others when they are entering dark moments in their lives.  You can offer encouragement, hope, guidance and confidence as they blindly navigate the turbulent sea of experience.  Come from a place of love, light, and compassion when observing and interacting with others.  Remember that we are all on this journey of life together, even if our own experiences and perspective are unique.  Just knowing that you are not alone in life can be the greatest comfort to someone during a hard time in their life.

landscape, fantasy, sea

YOU CAN DO, BE OR HAVE WHATEVER YOU WANT IN LIFE.  The key ingredient to this quote is BELIEF.  You have to BELIEVE that you can do, be, or have whatever you want in life.  Your ego is good at talking you down off the ledge before you get the chance to take the leap.  Your ego is good at grounding you and letting you know your possible failures at any given time.  Focus on your emotional vibration and maintain a high/positive vibration as often as possible.  When you can be consciously aware of your emotions and navigate them on a regular basis, it will result in you staying in a high vibration that will feel the same as putting on a superhero cape.

CHANGE THE WAY YOU LOOK AT YOUR LIFE AND WATCH YOUR LIFE CHANGE.  Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you perceive it.  If you want your life to change, you have to change the way you look at it.  Come from a place of positivity and hope and avoid thoughts of negativity and hopelessness.  When you change your perspective about life experiences and choose to see each experience as a tool for growth and self-improvement, you will be able to navigate your life in a positive and pleasant way.

old farmhouse, decay, farmhouse

LIFE IS A WORK IN PROGRESS.  You are continuously growing and evolving.  Life is changing every moment of every day.  You have the power of choice.  You have the power to choose your perspective on life.  If you can remember that life is a work in progress, constantly changing and evolving, like yourself, you can use the change for your greatest benefit.  The past is behind you.  The future is before you.  Your current reality is NOW.  Stay mindful in the NOW and view life as a work in progress to continuously improve to be the best version of yourself.

My book “Spiritual Guidance for the Physical World” is available for purchase on  Available in paperback or e-book. “Spiritual Guidance for the Physical World” is a compilation of Spiritually delivered information that is intended to help guide the reader through the physical experience of Life.  It can be read any way the reader desires:  cover to cover or opening the book to a random page and reading the guidance written there.  This book holds sage advice and guidance that will help the reader to improve, change perspective, and promote conscious evolution. 

10 thoughts on “Ten Self-Improvement Quotes to Immediately Empower You”

  1. These are great. I especially love numbers 8 and 9. Your own outlook and desires play such an important role in all that you want and do. Thanks for sharing.

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