Fear is almost always caused by the unknown. You don’t know what will happen so you fear what will happen. You fear not having control. You fear what you will experience. Push fear aside. Look with hope at any impending experiences that may bring fear to the surface. There is hope for growth and for lessons to be learned. There is hope for self-improvement and mindfulness. Most of the greatest lessons in life come in the form of unsettling events. These events spur growth and learning.

The greatest teaching moments are the moments which have the greatest impact. Most often these are the moments that you find most unpleasant. They make you take notice. They make you take a step back. They make you think. They make you strategize. They make you second guess. They make you notice. Do not be afraid of the unsettling moments. Do not shy away.

Go boldly forward to these moments and live them courageously with open eyes and open minds and look at them for growth and lessons. Analyze the situation and see the lessons that you can learn from. You will grow the most through moments of trials. Look hopefully ahead to the peace that awaits. Reach for your Higher Self for comfort and peace. Allow the Light and Love of Divine Spirit to permeate your physical being. Amen.
Excerpt from my book “Spiritual Guidance for the Physical World”. It is available for purchase on Amazon.com in paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1657808270 or in Kindle format: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083D5T4R8