Accept where you are right here and right now. This is where you are supposed to be right here and right now. You will grow. You will learn. You will become a better version of yourself if you allow the growth and the lessons of the challenges to help you to grow. Look closely at the events in your life that are challenging. They are your opportunities to grow and will help you to succeed and improve in the future.
It won’t always be easy, but it will always be worth it. So, accept this moment. This is all that you have. NOW. Live in the moment. Don’t worry about tomorrow. This present moment is all that you have. This is your life. Live it without abandon. Live it to the fullest. Know that tomorrow will be brighter if you accept and make choices that will create a better future.

You have the power to create your own destiny. It takes standing up off your laurels and rising above to greatness. You can do it. It is in all of you. Conscious Evolution, continual self-improvement, awareness, a proper attitude that uplifts, faith, belief and living in the NOW are the tools to your success. Do not worry about what ifs. Treasure what is. This is your reality. Here and Now. Treasure it. Embrace it. Make the most of it. Tomorrow will come soon enough. For now, live for Today. Amen.