Indecisiveness is a tool that you can use to become decisive.  If and when you have a decision that needs to be made, allowing yourself to pause and reflect upon the decision will get you ready for action to make the decision. 

You may find that your mind goes back and forth on the pros and cons of the decision.  This could become never ending.  But, sooner or later, you have to make the decision, like it or not.  The decision, once made, will spur action.  The action will spur growth and soon you will see how the decision making was a positive thing for your life no matter how difficult it may have been. 

Take the leap and the net will appear.  Don’t allow fear to freeze you like a deer caught in headlights.  Don’t let “what is” drive you crazy as you replay scenarios over and over in your mind.  Don’t let insecurities rule your mind.  Be faithful.  Be determined.  Be precise.  Be decisive and allow the growth to come.  Amen.