The 80’s band STYX came out with a song called “Too Much Time on My Hands” and it was one of my favorite songs. I find myself singing that song in my head as I write this blog because during these last few weeks I’ve had too much time on my hands. Staying at home all day has forced me to be creative in the way that I spent my time. Did I want to become a couch potato and binge-watch True Blood episodes all day long or did I want to make good use of my time and grow and learn through this moment?

If you look at every obstacle as an opportunity, you will come out of the situation far better than when you went into it. I make a concerted effort to look at every situation as an opportunity, but I will admit that it takes a little time to recognize sometimes. The self-isolation of COVID-19 is a great opportunity for us to put to good use the ample time on our hands now that we are stuck at home and not working or going out like we usually do.
Use your time wisely. This is a “hopefully” once-in-a-lifetime experience that can be put too really good use if you allow it. First things first. What have you put on the back burner because life just keeps getting in the way? Think of something that you have been wanting to do, but haven’t quite found the time in the past to do it. Here are some ideas that can jumpstart your thought process and help you put this extra time on your hands to good use:

Write poetry. Write a song. Write a book. Journal your thoughts and emotions. Start a gratitude journal. Writing is an excellent way to express yourself and release any emotions that you have been holding on to that hold you back. A gratitude journal is an excellent way to focus on your blessings every day. Write in it every night before you go to sleep. Do a self-assessment or a life assessment. Write down the areas that need improving and don’t be in denial as you do this process. It will only keep holding you back. You need to be open and brave and willing to face the areas of yourself and your life that you may have been ignoring. Once you do this, then you are able to take the necessary steps to improve these areas. Here are a couple of links to journals to help you begin your writing:
Basic Lined Journal Notebook:
Guided Journal to help you start writing:
Gratitude Journal:
Draw. Paint. Color. Doodle. Art is a great way to release pent up creative energy. It allows you to be fluid and think outside of the box. It is also very therapeutic because it forces you to focus on what you are doing rather than what is bothering you. Order some art supplies, allow your imagination to run wild and let your inner Picasso out. Here are a few starter items to choose from:
White Canvas Boards:
Paint Brushes:
Acrylic Paint:
Adult Patterned Colored Book:
Coloring Pencils:

Clean the house. Purge. Organize. Well, it is spring! This is a great time to do some detailed cleaning at your house. Cleaning and sanitizing the house will cut down on the spread of any viruses that enter and there is no better feeling than having a sparkling house! Purging and organizing your house will open up energy that has been trapped and it will help you to feel more energized and uplifted. Make sure you pay special attention to sanitizing every doorknob, cabinet knob, remote controls, light switches and other items that are touched on a frequent basis. Aside from this pandemic, sanitizing these items on a regular basis will help cut down the transmission and spread of all types of viruses.
Call a friend or family member that you haven’t spoken to in a while. Have a heart-to-heart with a loved one. Utilize FaceTime, Skype or Zoom. We are so lucky that we live in a time where we can be in different parts of the world yet still keep in contact through video chat. I remember as a child riding the Epcot Spaceship Earth ride. It is inside the big ball at the front of the park. At the end of the ride, it shows a mother telling a bedtime story to her daughter through a video chat from another country in the world. I remember thinking it was so sci-fi and futuristic and never ever did I think this would happen in my lifetime! Yet, here we are.

This creation has given us the opportunity to handle separation easier. Seeing someone’s face while talking to them even though it is through a cellphone or computer makes us feel like we are closer to the person than only talking to them on the phone. Zoom has become really popular during the self-isolation times. Most kids in the country are having to attend school online and the schools are using the Zoom program which allows a group of people to connect to each other at the same time and talk. Here is a link to download Zoom – Contact your friends and family member and set up a time to Zoom together!
Educate yourself. Learn a new hobby. Use this time to take some online courses to enhance your career or just for your own fulfillment. You can do a google search of what you are interested in learning to find your different options. You’ve got a lot of time on your hands, so take advantage. Who knows? You may be able to turn what you learn into a new way to make money!

Start an exercise habit. This one is the most important one to me. You have NO excuse during this self-isolation to not exercise. Exercising is so beneficial for weight management, good health, and mood enhancement. I began exercising regularly about 20 years ago when I gave birth to my daughter and wanted to lose the pregnancy weight. It became a habit that I enjoy every day. If you are new to exercising or starting back after a long time, start with walking. Every morning and every evening, walk twenty minutes. It doesn’t have to be vigorous, to begin with. Once you get the habit established you can graduate to longer and more vigorous workouts. The first thing is to create a habit. It takes 21 days to create a habit. Start today. Over time, if you keep exercising, you will learn to love it. I cannot go one day without it. It is such a great energy and mood booster.
Whatever you ultimately decide to do with your extra time during this self-isolation, I hope that it is constructive and positive. Take this time to improve yourself. Take this time to improve your relationships. Take this time to appreciate all that you have in life. Take this time to begin living the life you want to live.