Strength comes from within. It hides deep inside of every soul. You must go within to pull it out – draw it out. In times of crisis and distress, the quiet undercurrent of strength resides in your higher self which is always connected to Divine Spirit. Remember to breathe and to meditate to reach this place. There is nothing too great that you cannot overcome as a nation or as a person. There is strength in numbers. Band together. Love each other. When you are facing a personal battle, you will find your armor waiting for you within your soul. There is nothing you cannot do, be or have…or over overcome. The human spirit is very strong and very resilient. Perspective is key in joining the strength you will find within. The way you look at your life is the way your life will be. Choose an optimistic view and in times of grief or turmoil, go within and ask Divine Spirit to reconnect you with your power and your strength. Don’t every give up. The longest journey starts with the first step. Peace. Love. Happiness.