Peace comes from within. The peace that you seek during times of frustration or stress will be found residing within your Higher Self that is directly connected to Divine Spirit. Reach inward and connect with your Higher Self. Make the conscious connection. You are always connected, but in the physical world, Ego gets in the way.
Ego is the King of lower vibrations: false self-worth, conceitedness, superiority, frustration, anger, jealousy, poor self-confidence, etc. Ego brings you down. Your Higher Self lifts you up. Your Higher Self is love, peace, contentment, satisfaction, patience, ease and gratitude.
When you are reeling out of control, or are emotional, go within through meditation or prayer and quiet your mind and listen for your Higher Self to come forth. The messages you receive from your Higher Self are Divine Spirit’s loving words. The Love and Light from Divine Spirit shines brightly upon your Higher Self which is your illuminating Soul. Find the peace that you search for waiting quietly for you in your Higher Self. Amen.