1. Declutter your Exterior Life
Buddhist monks keep material possessions to a minimum and only hold what they need to live their life. Usually this will all fit in a small backpack. De-clutter your life and allow the energy to flow.
2. Declutter your Inner Self
In many Buddhist circles, monks learn to do things not for themselves, but for the whole world. Developing a selfless attitude and focusing less on your personal problems allows you to be less emotional about the small things and your mind will become calmer. This is inner de-cluttering: making room for others and dumping selfish habits.
3. Meditate A LOT
Buddhist Monks wake up early and meditate 1 – 3 hours and do the same at night. This kind of practice changes the brain. Starting with meditation every morning helps to ground you for the day’s stressors. Daily meditation is an important and rewarding ritual to adopt.
4. Listen Mindfully and Without Judgement
Our brains naturally judge others. According to Buddhists, the point of communication is to help others and ourselves to suffer less. Mindfulness is judgment-free. The main goal of mindful communication is to take in everything that someone is saying without evaluating it.
5. Accept CHANGE
Everything changes. Recognizing that the contents of our minds are in perpetual flux will help us to accept change and overcome any suffering change may cause us. Go with the flow and move through change rather than resisting it.
6. Focus on One Thing
Focus on one thing at a time. This is the key aspect of Buddhist philosophy. Whatever is happening in your present moment give it your full attention. The quality of your work when multi-tasking isn’t as high as focusing on one thing at a time. Be 100% mindful in every moment of your life realizing that your reality is NOW.
7. Live in The Present Moment
It can be tough to embrace the present moment. We tend to think about the past or worry about the future. Practicing mindfulness which will encourage you to refocus. Be present in every moment. Your reality is NOW, not yesterday, not tomorrow.
8. Give It All You Have Got
Focus on the present moments with a sense of peacefulness and sustained concentration. Your reality is this very moment. Give whatever you are doing right now all you have got and then wait for the results to kick in.
9. Let Go of What You Can’t Control
When you remember how unpredictable and temporary everything in life is, you begin to let go and enjoy life in each moment. Everything changes over time. Flow with the change and don’t resist it. Let go of trying to control the life experience.
10. Follow the Wise
The elders of society hold the wisdom we seek. Look for older spiritual guides to help you on your path. There are always insightful people to learn from. Older people have more experience which means they can offer countless life lessons.
*partial information credit: www.ideapod.com