Begin each day with a conversation with your Higher self.  Go within through Meditation and/or Prayer and connect with your Higher Self. 

Have a conversation and ask questions.  Ask for guidance or clarity about a situation that you may be worried or unsure about.  Ask your Higher Self to be a conduit and to pass along messages from Divine Spirit and ask your Higher Self to co-navigate your life with you, guiding you throughout your day to the next experience you are to have. 

Your Higher Self is your navigational system and it automatically, by default, speaks to you as your Intuition.  Any time you get a “gut feeling” of any sort, this is your Intuition automatically speaking to you.  This is your Higher Self attempting to navigate your life.  Whether you follow it or not is up to you.  The little voice inside your head is often Ego driven. 

Your Higher Self can be contacted and you can ask questions and ask for guidance.  When you do this, you are consciously connecting with your Intuition rather than it happening automatically.  The information that you receive is Divinely sent through your Higher Self.  The voice from your Higher Self is never negative.  It is always pure Love and Peace.  Trust it.  Rely on it.  Amen.