Sympathy and understanding come in many forms. They come in the form of time spent with someone. They come in the form of advice. They come in the form of a shoulder to cry on. They come in the form of putting yourself in another person’s shoes. It is important to show compassion for everyone that you encounter in life.
Every person is enduring their own journey with their own perspective and no two journeys or perspectives are the same. Everyone has a different perspective that is created from their own life experiences. This perspective is built upon and created through continuous life experiences that make a person believe something is a certain way. Another person’s life experiences will lead them to a different perspective on the same subject.
Show sympathy and understanding to each person and their perspective. There is no right perspective. Each perspective is indicative of personal life experiences. The more often that you are able to understand and accept another person’s actions and thoughts and feelings, the more harmonious your life will be.
In circumstances where you do not morally or ethically agree with someone’s actions or thoughts, then it is your option to wish them well and move on. Always come from a place of Love. Amen.