Fear can lead you into the darkness. You can reject fear and allow the Light of Divine Spirit to illuminate your way. Fear is like the rapids of a river. You don’t know what is going to happen. It looks scary. The unknown scares you and fills you with dreaded uncertainty. Breathe. Don’t allow the fear to navigate your vessel. Drop the oars and allow the Light and Love of Divine Spirit to navigate you down the river. There are always going to be moments of uncertainty on the river of life. That is what makes it exciting, if you look at it from that perspective. It offers you opportunities to grow, evolve and expand in areas that you may be stagnant and have to overcome. Allow the rush of the river to take you and exhilarate you. Look positively ahead to what is coming next and co-navigate the course with your higher self and Divine Spirit. When you are ready, take the oars and navigate the river. You will learn so much about yourself and about life when you change your perspective to positivity and hopefulness. The river is not meant to drown you and overcome you. The river is meant to uplift you and strengthen you. Amen.