LIFE. Life is all about twists and turns. Like a river, life glides along. Sometimes there are rocks in the way of the stream. These are temporary blocks that give you the opportunity for growth, thinking, strategizing and change. View these moments as opportunities, not obstacles. There are times when the rapids will take you down the river. You will glide along swiftly, never having any real obstacles in your way. This is when life can create an opportunity to get a lot done. This is your building phase. Focus on what you want to create when your life is in this stage. You will get a lot done. Don’t waste this opportunity. Then there are times when the river will become lazy. You will be floating down it like you are on an innertube on a hot summer day. Enjoy the peacefulness of this moment. Take this moment to regroup and relax. Take this moment to dream your big dreams and come up with action plans to reach your dreams. This is a time when you can feel a little bored, because it feels like nothing much is happening, but if you take the opportunity to prepare during this moment, you will be ready to produce when the rapids come. View your life as a river. Go with the flow. Relax and breathe. All is well. It really is. You are here to grow, manifest, achieve, repeat. This is the cycle of life. Do not waste your opportunities for growth. View every experience as a lesson. View every relationship as a teacher. You are an eternal student in the physical world. Be prepared to learn and grow. Life isn’t always easy, but the experiences you encounter are worth it. Listen. Love. Respect. Understand. Show compassion. RESPECT. Hard work doesn’t have to be hard work. It’s all in how you view it. Make peace with where you are. Be patient. Wait for your ship to come in. Ride the waves. Navigate your life. Dream big. Love hard. Learn often. Listen always. Speak sometimes. Communicate well. Open. Raw. Honest. Live life to its fullest. Breathe.