Fear based thinking is the Ego’s creation.  The Ego is concerned with making sure that you stay at a lower vibration, even though it doesn’t come across that way.  It comes across falsely, as your protector, as it creates a false sense of identity that needs to be stroked in order for it to feel better. 

In today’s technological age, there is an abundance of narcissism that has been created due to the technology that is used.  Applications such as Facebook and Instagram place the person in the position of wanting or needing to be accepted.  Posts are always dependent upon how likeable they are.  This causes happiness and satisfaction for some and frustration and disappointment for others.  Life is not a popularity contest. 

Each person is individual and unique and each person is special.  There is no one person that is better than another even if society, which is heavily Ego driven, tries to make you think differently.  When you consciously realize and remember this, then you are able to live a more satisfied and fulfilling life. 

Your Ego needs the acceptance of others to make it feel good.  Your Higher Self does not.  Your Higher Self is constantly connected to Divine Spirit.  It is constantly receiving a steady stream of Love and Light from Divine Spirit.  If you tune into your Higher Self, you can consciously receive this stream. 

You are always receiving the stream of Love and Light, but when you allow Ego to take the lead, you don’t realize the stream is there.  You place your focus on Ego and what it can and cannot do for your psyche.  Let go of the Ego centered way of living and focus on the Intuitively driven way of living.  The Fear will dissipate and will be replaced with HOPE.  There is nothing you cannot do, be or have in this world.  Allow your Higher Self to take you to your dreams.  Amen.