There are many times in your day to day life where you will beat yourself up over situations that you label “mistakes”. These “mistakes” are actually opportunities to grow and learn if you allow them to be. Growing is a cyclical part of life. It occurs from the first breath you take at birth to the last breath you take at death. It is important, however, to grow consciously to obtain the greatest benefit of the inevitable growth. This can be easily done through learning from your mistakes.
Do not be in denial. Don’t stick your head in the sand and ignore the significance of learning from your mistakes and do not allow the mistakes affect your self-worth. It has nothing to do with your self-worth and everything to do with growing and learning. Don’t beat yourself up over these opportunities to grow. Seize these moments. It is in your mistakes where you will find the greatest lessons that will lead to the greatest growth!

Instead of looking at a mistake from a negative perspective, look at it from a positive perspective. Look for the meaning within it. Look for the lesson. Don’t beat yourself up over it. You don’t stand over someone when they have fallen and just stare at them, do you? No. You instinctively hold out your hand to help them stand back up again. They, in turn, learn from their fall and will hopefully take necessary precautions in the future not to repeat the mistake. This allows them ultimately to consciously grow in that very moment. It is the same concept.
It is very very easy to allow your Ego to beat you down with regret. Don’t listen to the voice of Ego that will tell you that you aren’t good enough or a loser. Reach deep within you to listen for the calm and peaceful voice of your Higher Spirit. Love and Light are always flowing to you through your Higher Spirit. You just need to recognize it and listen to it.

Starting your days with meditation is great tool to use to ground you and listen for the voice of your Higher Spirit. Quieting your mind and focusing allows you to hear the messages you need to hear. Allow the messages to guide you. A ten minute meditation is sufficient, but you can meditate as long as you want to.
Affirmations can be used to train your brain to think positively and improve your thoughts. Make a list of ten loving affirmations and paste it next to your bathroom mirror. Every morning, recite the affirmations. Take the list with you and recite the affirmations throughout the day. Finally, end your day reciting the affirmations so that your brain will marinate the positive statements while you sleep.

The next time you have a mistake, don’t look at it as a mistake. Look at it as an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve. Allow the lessons hidden within the mistake teach you. Keep the lesson and let go of the mistake and allow the lesson to keep you from repeating the message in the future. Remember your self-worth and choose to allow the growth and conscious evolution to flow.