Like rocks in a river, when you cling to things that no longer serve you it builds up resistance. When resistance is added, it slows everything down and creates a backup of energy. This backup of energy actually drains you, because it is backing up and has nowhere to go. Release the energy by releasing all that no longer serves you. You may be afraid to let go. Afraid of change. Afraid of the unknown. Breathe and move through the fear. Don’t let fear stop you. Once you release, you will open up energy and it will flow and you will feel released and renewed. Purge all the things from your life that don’t serve you so that you can open up the pathway for renewed energy to flow and you can create new beginnings in your life. Don’t let the unknown keep you from releasing the dead energy that holds you back. Look at the unknown as a great surprise. Like a gift. The unknown holds many surprises for you but you must have the courage to walk towards it. When one door closes another one opens. Take the first step into the unknown. Amen
Excerpt from my book “Spiritual Guidance for the Physical World”. Visit my website for more guidance and uplifting messages: