The Full Moon is the time to release all that no longer serves you. This is a time when you can detoxify your body and release toxins that have built up through the consumption of impurities in food, alcohol, nicotine, etc. Take this time to ask the Universe and Divine Spirit to release all the things from you that are not for your highest good. Decide what you want to improve in your life. Maybe you need to release impatience or anger. Ask that this release be replaced with the opposite of it. You may find that this is not an easy process. We tend to cling to things that aren’t good for us – people, bad habits, etc. – because it’s easier than to let it go. But, you will find, if you let the things go that no longer serve you, you will feel a weight lifted off your shoulders. Try to live a pure life with a pure heart. Regard your body as a temple and worship it will things that are good for it – good thoughts, clean food and broken habits.