Manifestation is easier than you think. You can do be or have whatever you want in your life. Whether you believe in the Law of Attraction and the magic it possesses or not, you can’t deny that when you want something and you believe you will get it, you get it. You see, the secret to manifesting the life that you want is through belief. You must believe that it is so. It is that simple.
Belief is a strong action. It is knowing that something is going to happen or that something is a certain way. It is the magic that will create whatever you want in your life. How many times in life have you just had this “knowing” feeling that something is going to happen or that you are going to get something that you want? The knowing, which is the elementary version of belief, is undeniable and the avenue to reach your desire.

Now, if it were REALLY that simple, half the world would be driving around in Lamborghinis and they would be drenched in sparkling diamonds. As with everything, there are other things that put a wrench in the desire. Desire that is filled with doubt is the main reason that what you want remains unfulfilled. Doubt adds resistance which slows down the arrival of your desire.
You can believe your desire will come true all you want but once you add doubt you will cause what you want to be delayed, possibly indefinitely. Once doubt is introduced the belief begins to slowly cease to exist. Everything starts to go backward and unravel at this point. So….what to do when you start to doubt the arrival of what you desire?? How do you stop the doubt before it eradicates your belief??
The first thing is not to look at what is. What is will only create more doubt. When you place your focus on your current reality which is NOT having what you desire, then it is very easy to get the ball of doubt rolling. Your impatience further fuels the energy of the doubt. Most of us are programmed to expect “something” to go wrong in life. You may feel like you aren’t deserving or aren’t ready. This type of mindset is the creator of doubt and resistor of your desires.

You need to focus on what can be and what WILL be through your belief. Envision what you desire. Place your sights firmly on this vision. Believe that your desires will come to fruition. Every time negative thoughts creep in, push them away and place your focus back on believing that your desire will come true. Use anticipation as a tool to increase your belief and strengthen it.
Anticipation is the expectation of the arrival of something. You believe it is coming, so you begin anticipating its arrival. The belief is the meat of the magic. The belief is what makes it come. Belief is a powerful tool and when anticipation works hand in hand with the belief it creates an even stronger power to create.
Try to avoid the anticipation of something that you believe is coming that you don’t want. An example of this is focusing on something unwanted that you believe will arrive. When you find yourself doing this, change the subject and focus on something more pleasant that you can believe and anticipate arriving.

With goal setting, the anticipation helps to bring the arrival of a goal to fruition. One such example would be the goal of weight loss. Believing that you will lose weight is an important facet because it keeps you from quitting and from procrastinating. You anticipate the weight loss and as you lose weight, you keep the belief alive. You need to keep your mind from drifting throughout this process. You need to keep your mind focused on the positive outcome and away from focusing on a negative outcome such as failure.
When doubt is introduced, such as not losing weight as fast as you anticipated, it is important to interject positive reinforcement here that will keep you on your path to success. Focus on the positive aspects of your goal. Pay attention to the achievements you have made on the journey. If you are allowing doubt into your goal from the beginning and are having a hard time finding a positive aspect because there has been no noticeable achievement yet, then this is the time to focus on the overall goal itself and remind yourself why you had a belief and anticipation to begin with.
Make your desire setting as simple as possible. Trust that what you want will come. Don’t focus on when it will come or how long it may take to arrive. Anticipate the arrival with excitement and hope and believe that it will come when the time is right. You will have success with what you have been working on if you BELIEVE. Don’t allow resistant thoughts to put obstacles in the way of your path. Focus on the DESIRE. Maintain the BELIEF that it will come. Use ANTICIPATION to increase your belief and allow it to build momentum.

So, the recipe for getting what you want involves Desire, Belief, and Anticipation. You will soon see the manifestation of your desire if you can keep resistant thoughts out of the equation and you don’t waver in your belief. This is the simplicity of manifestation: You can do, be or have whatever you want in this world if you BELIEVE.
Partial Excerpt from my book “Spiritual Guidance for the Physical World” available for purchase on Amazon: