Peace and Love are the ingredients of a happy life.  Life is filled with many curves and rapids that you encounter on the journey of life.  You must learn to navigate the rough currents with peace and ease.  Do not offer up any resistance.  Let the river of Life just flow. 

When you get angry or impatient, that offers resistance and causes a backflow like water rushing against rocks in a river.  The backflow slows down the natural flow and creates resistance.  This resistance in life terms is stress.  It needs to be released in order to achieve ease and flow.  Peace and Love are the solutions. 

Life is not meant to be easy.  Physical life is meant to offer experiences that help one grow and evolve.  Don’t view any setbacks or any negative experiences as obstacles.  These moments are opportunities for growth and evolution.  Embrace them rather than fight them.  Flow through them instead of flowing against them.  The more often that you drop the oars and let the river of Life take you, the more often the outcome will be reached sooner and you will be on the other side of the challenging times. 

Breathe.  Focus on your breath.  Allow your spiritual self – Higher Self – to come to the forefront and navigate you through the turbulent seas of intense life experiences.  Lean on the Love and Light that expands to your Higher Self and radiates out into your physical self.  Allow your Ego to fall to the wayside.  You don’t need it for protection or judgment.  You need your Higher Self to navigate you.  Allow your Co-captain to stand next to you during your times of trials so that you may be led to jubilation and peace.

Find the peace within yourself by focusing on your breath and reaching deep down inside of you to connect with your Higher Self.  Once you connect with your Higher Self, you are in direct contact with Divine Source and you will feel the overwhelming Love, Light, and Peace flowing to you.  This will cause stress and resistance to dissipate.  The peace will overcome you and you will feel calm and loved.  Peace and Love is the answer to all.  Amen

Peace and Love Always ~ Laura with guidance from Franciscolean

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*excerpt from my book “Spiritual Guidance for the Physical World” available for purchase on Amazon: