Learn about yourself. Become the student AND the teacher. A self-assessment is an excellent way to learn more about yourself. Be mindful in the moment- in the NOW. Through life, there are many, many different stages. Each stage is a growing phase that leads you to the next one, like steps in a staircase. Who you are today is not who you were yesterday. You evolve and you change your views, thoughts, and perspective all based upon your growth and your experiences. Each experience is an opportunity for growth and learning. You can dissect the experience and take with you the lesson, leaving behind the skeleton of the digested experience. Do not hold on to the energy of the experience. Let it go. Carry with you the essence of the experience that made you go “Aha”. This lesson can be applied to the next experience you live. When self-assessing, be honest, open and raw. Don’t deny the darkest parts of your soul that you do not want to face. Those are the areas that need the most work. Shine a light on these areas so that you can open them up and work on them. Honesty is very important here. Honesty with yourself and honesty with others. Ask the perspective of others to help you to come up with a plan to improve the area that is insufficient. This practice will help you to grow and evolve into a better version of yourself than you are living in right now. Peace. Love. Happiness. Amen.