Everyone is given one body, one soul, one life. The soul is the cargo. The body is the vessel. The life is the journey. Think of it like a car. The body will eventually stop and it will be crumbled back into the earth. The soul will always live on. It is eternal.

Enjoy your time on Earth on the physical plane. Do not waste it by wishing it away or living with regret. What’s done is done. What has yet to be, has yet to be. Enjoy the NOW. Be mindful in this moment. Make peace with yourself. If there is anything that you are holding on to from the past that is affecting your present then you need to let go of this. Forgive yourself and forgive others for things that happened in the past. The past is over. It was once lived as the present moment, but now it is the past. It cannot be changed. All you can do is forgive and release the events of the past that shaped you. It is ok to forgive yourself.

Reward yourself with the gift of gratitude. This simple duty will surely enhance your life and change your perspective on a dime. Greet each new day with a thankful heart. Focus on your blessings in life. Be grateful every day for the blessings in your life. What is it in your life that you are thankful for? Place your focus there and do not let it waver. Soak in it. Soak in the Sea of Gratitude.

Live in the NOW. The present moment you are experiencing is your reality. Your reality of yesterday has expired because yesterday is gone. Your reality of tomorrow is just a dream because yesterday has not arrived yet. Live for today. Hope for tomorrow. Remember yesterday. Make the most of the present moment and the gifts it has to offer: the gift of mindfulness, the gift of presence, the gift of improvement, the gift of attention and focus, and the gift of stillness. Capture this moment in time and make the best use of it as possible. Amen.