Worry gets you no where. The only thing worrying does is rob you of the happiness of NOW. Your reality is NOW. Be mindful in your NOW. The past is gone. The only thing that you need to bring from the past are the lessons learned so that you can apply them to your present and future. The future is before you and you aren’t promised it. You never know when the tide of life will change. Live in the present moment. Live in the NOW. Now is when your dreams come true. Now is when you live your life….This very moment. Now. There is so much to experience in the now. Make a goal for the future, but live in the NOW. Consciously evolve and improve as an individual each day of your life. Meditate and focus daily. Allow the peace of the meditation permeate throughout your day. Now is the time to live your life. Be mindful of the NOW. Let go of your fears and your worries and let God take them over.