Listen to your Intuition

Listen.  Listen to your heart.  Listen to your soul.  Really listen.  What are the messages that your higher spirit wants you to know?  The messages lie in waiting for you.  All you have to do is go there.  Go there through meditation.  Go there through prayer.  All you have to do is go there.  Your higher self is always connected to Divine spirit.  This is your eternal link to the spiritual realm.  You are a spirit residing in a physical body.  The physical body is merely a vehicle to get you through the journey of life.  Be good to it.  Be respectful to it.  Treat it with care and compassion, as you would another.  This is the vehicle that will carry you long and far if you maintain and respect it.  Listen.  Breathe.  Hope.  Dream.  Understand that you are all on the physical plane for growth and expansion – for learning and understanding – for renewal and resurrection.  Listen.  Listen to the voices that tell you where to go and what to do next.  This is your higher-self delivering messages through your intuition.  Respect it.  Trust it.  Believe it.  Amen