Listen. Listen to your heart and listen to your soul. Really listen. What are the messages that your Higher Spirit wants you to know? The messages lie in waiting for you. All you have to do is go there.

The physical world is ego-based and the spiritual world is intuitive-based. If you allow your intuitive side, your Higher Spirit, to guide you, you will have a far richer physical experience. The ego is created by society to boost you up but it is artificial and just as it may boost you up, it also brings you down. This is because your ego is a facade.

Your Higher Spirit on the other hand is pure divine love and light. Your Higher Spirit will boost you up as well but it comes in the form of faith. Do you have the faith to believe all that your Higher Spirit believes about you? The answer lies within you.

Meditate daily to receive grounding, pure love and light and messages that your Higher Spirit wants to tell you. You have to quiet your mind and listen closely. In the beginning, the messages will start out as a whisper and you will think that it is your mind that is telling you what you want to hear. Dispel this notion. It is your Higher Spirit.

So, the next time you are longing for peace or to feel better, go inside yourself and connect with your Higher Spirit. This is where the peace lies. Amen.
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