Live life to the fullest. Live life as if you never know when it will end. Realistically speaking, nobody knows when the physical experience will end. Appreciate life. Appreciation of the gifts of life will give you more gifts to appreciate.
Life is a never-ending circle. Birth – Growth – Death – Rebirth – Growth – Death – Rebirth – Growth – Death and so on it goes. All components are interconnected. One passes over and returns to the spiritual realm and another enters the physical world. It is a never-ending circle of life.

Each person can break their life down into the same equation. You are born. You grow. You die. You are born again. Break it down into a smaller equation. You are born. You grow through your experiences in life and then some experiences come along that force you to end one phase or style of your life and then you are reborn again to start a new avenue on your journey.
Listen for the messages along your journey that lead you to your resurrection. There is redemption in your growth. Breathe. Listen. Learn. Acknowledge. Be thankful. Breathe. Amen
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