If you let your Intuition guide you, you will live a far richer physical experience than if you allow your ego to be your co-pilot. Your ego is a manifestation of the physical world. It was created by society and most people use it as a protective shell of their Higher Self. Each human’s ego is developed over time through experience and societal norms.

Ego – the great manipulator
The ego of your ancestors was built on strength and overcoming adversity. Through the ages, as society evolved, so did ego. It evolved through different time periods and what was trending during that time period. With time, it became more narcissistic and self-serving. The ego became a popularity contest and a self-serving guide.
The ego causes more harm than it does good because it makes you falsely believe in things of a physical nature and place importance on them rather than recognizing the presence of pure Love and Light within your Higher Self. The whole physical existence is showered with the Love and Light of your Higher Spirit, but when your ego is present and dominant it places a cloud in the way of the steady stream of Love and Light. Remove the ego and you will receive a clear stream.

Intuition – the great uplifter
Your Intuition is your navigational system and can be your co-pilot if you allow it. Living an Intuitively driven life allows you to shine a light on your life and on the lives of others. It is pure Love and it allows you to love unconditionally. Reach your Higher Self on a daily basis, preferably in the morning through meditation, and allow it to be your co-pilot as you carry on your life.
Your Intuition is the voice of your Higher Self. Your Intuition does not serve the “Self” selfishly, rather it is designed to guide the Self to the most positive experiences one can have. It is driven by a constant stream of Love and Light. The guidance that you receive is always positive and loving. It is the light that leads through the darkness. It is the light at the end of the tunnel and the lighthouse up on the hill above the tumultuous waters. It is hope in a dark storm and the rainbow after the storm has ended.

Push your ego aside and let your Intuition lead the way
Your ego will always try to stick its nose in and take over, but with practice, you can push your ego away and allow your Intuition to remain in the driver’s seat. You will see the difference when you choose to allow your Intuition to be your co-pilot rather than your ego. Don’t allow your ego to mute the sound of your Intuition. Listen to your inner voice, your Intuition, the voice of your Higher Self, that tries to guide you all the time. Pay attention to the messages. These messages are always loving and for your best interest. Your Intuition is pure and honest.
Your ego is self-serving and false. Disregard your ego. Your ego is a false protector and guide. Society has created the ego to help you to fit in. Your ego is there to falsely guide you through the sea of society. Your ego is a perceived armor for the physical world, but it is false armor. It does more harm than good. Take a moment to recognize the emotions that surround the ego. Ego is selfish, jealous, over-zealous, protective, harsh, judgmental, insecure and false. Recognize when Ego is used. Is it used for self-serving opportunities or does it serve all? Don’t allow your ego to beat you down and keep you from your dreams.

Allow your Intuition to be your Co-Pilot
Your Higher Self is the light shining within you. It is often referred to as your soul. This is where the peace resides – the Heaven. If there is a Heaven that you can believe in, this is that Heaven -your Higher Self and when you are feeling down, bleak, negative, impatient, worried, or sullen tuning into your Higher Self will bring relief.
Live your life effortlessly. Don’t make it complicated. Rely on your Higher Self to show you the way. Stay true to yourself. Don’t allow your ego or society tell you that you are not good enough. Don’t let your ego or the opinions of others make you deviate from your true desires. What are you passionate about? Do you know what completes your soul? What do you care most about? Place your focus on those things that bring you peace and happiness. These areas of yourself and your interests are what will complete you.
When your ego tries to convince you that you are not good enough, allow your Intuition to convince you that you are. Allow your Intuition to be your co-pilot and your life will be greatly improved. There may be a tug of war between your ego and your Intuition. Which one are you going to let win?
*excerpt from my book “Spiritual Guidance for the Physical World” available for purchase in e-book: https://amzn.to/3h4jekU or paperback: https://amzn.to/2AIF78B