Let the sun shine upon your relationships. Like the sun is to a flower, you are to your relationships in life. Cultivation and love must be shown to each relationship in order for it to thrive and grow. You can’t assume a relationship will grow and deepen just because it is there. It needs to be cultivated and tended to like a flower garden. You need to show it time and give it energy to grow and move on. It is when you ignore a relationship that it withers and dies. View your relationships like you would view a flower garden. Plant the seed. Cultivate and tend to the garden. Water it with your attention and presence, especially when the times are tough. Fertilize it with your daily love. Watch it grow. It really is that simple. Take note in your life and see the relationships that need cultivating. Reach out today and make the connection and start watering them with your love and attention. Peace. Amen.