Card A – There is some conflict that is surrounding you. This is most likely an internal battle within yourself. You are fighting something morally or ethically and you are trying to arise to the solution and do the right thing. It is important not to add resistance by putting up a fight. Go with the flow. Let things flow naturally. Don’t overthink things. Trust your intuition. Always all your intuition to lead the way.
Card B – You are being tasked with some hard work and you find it tiring. If this has not happened yet, it will very shortly. Practice makes perfect. Like an athlete or fine musician, you must practice mastering what it is you want to master. Stay focused. Keep your thoughts and expectations positive. Know that what you want to accomplish will come to fruition. Remember that everything always works out for your highest good. In the times when you feel like you are entering despair, change the way you look at your life and watch your life change.
Card C – You are about to embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement. You have finally come to the agreement that you need to make some changes in your life in order to go forward in a positive and focused direction. Trust your intuition. Go within and reach your higher spirit through meditation or prayer and listen for the guidance that you seek. Don’t lose hope. You can improve any aspect of your life or yourself that you want to. Remain positive, hopeful, and have faith.
peace and love always ~ Laura with guidance from my guides Franciscolean