Guidance Messages for 9/7/24

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Relationships are give and take. There is always someone who is giving more and taking more. This is the natural cycle of relationships. It will take two to change if you want to make a change. It is not a one-way street. Do not allow another to make you feel guilty for your perspective. All is well. Amen


When you are dealing with an unknown situation it can cause uncertainty which causes stress. Times are currently tough for a lot of people. It may be time for you to do a financial assessment to see where your money is being spent and where you can cut corners. Audit all of your credit cards and bank accounts and look for recurring charges. Are they really necessary? Look at how often you get coffee out….or eat lunch out….dinner…etc. You can cut corners and save money without really feeling it at all. Amen


There is a conflict or a competition occurring in the workplace or it is heading in that direction. It is important to keep your composure and not react. Be proactive, not reactive. Ignore anybody who is trying to “bait” you. They me trying to overthrow you to get ahead. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Amen


You are heading in a new direction in life and the journey has just begun or it is on the verge of beginning. If you have recently ended a relationship, take the time to nurture yourself. Reflect upon the relationship and see where mistakes were made on both sides. Hold no regret. Everything has a season. Embrace the good times and release the bad times. All is well. Endings bring new beginnings. Rejoice! Amen

Peace and Love Always ~ Laura with guidance from Franciscolean

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