CARD A – When you feel like giving up is the moment that you will find the strength to persevere.  Don’t ever give up on your dreams.  If they don’t seem to be coming to life as quickly as you want that means that you aren’t ready for them to materialize.  Have faith and don’t worry.  Everything is coming to you for your highest and best good.  Amen

CARD B – Things are moving quickly for you and this may make you nervous at times.  Relax.  All is well. Flow with the quickened energy.  Do not put up any resistance.  There is a balance that you need to achieve in two areas of your life.  You have more control over a situation than you think you do.  Once the balance is achieved then you will find some relief.  Amen

CARD C – You can achieve completion of a project or a situation in life that has been bothering you.  You must focus and persevere.  See things clearly by looking from different perspectives.  This will be the key to helping you come to completion.  “Put yourself in another person’s shoes” is what I am hearing.  Amen

Peace and Love Always ~ Laura