Stay positive. When you allow negativity to enter your mind, it douses any happy, positive emotions that you may have. It slowly starts to take over like a fine black mist killing any light that is residing there. In the moments when you notice a negative emotion begin to rise, pay attention, and push the negative emotion away by focusing on something positive that makes you smile. Repeat this procedure as often as you need to until your vibration is high again. This is something that will take some of you a short amount of time and others a lifetime to achieve. It is not impossible but it takes continuous practice and mindfulness. Be introspective and look for the meaning in your encounters with others and your life experiences. See the messages each of them holds. See the blessings. There really is only good in the world to be experienced but the perspective is what creates the experience. We know that this is hard to make sense of and we can sense your analytical mind shaking your head no but the meaning goes back to your Higher Spirit that is always connected to Divine Spirit. Your physical being has emotions. Your Spiritual being is ethereal. It is one with God. It is a light that cannot ever be extinguished no matter how dark the world becomes. Bring forth the light to others that may need to use it to light up their paths. Be the lighthouse to all that you come in contact with. Teach others to be patient and kind. Lift up others. Amen