Do not let fear of the unknown well up inside of you. Recognize when you feel uncomfortable or feel fear welling up and let it go. Let it go. Let it go. Have faith that everything will work out for your highest good. It is good to be proactive and want to create, but you also have to be flexible and allow your intuition to lead you. Don’t be too in control of the situation. Flow with it. Do not offer any resistance. This goes for every facet of your life: relationships, money, employment, desires. Move with that which you want, not against it. Flow. Ease. All is well and it will always be so. Never steer from that motto. Breathe. Take a deep breath and release it every time you want to react negatively to a situation or say something negative. Recognize your thoughts before you spit them out of your mouth. Be mindful of your thoughts and your words. All is well. Amen