Card A – There is a lot of growth and transformation that you are experiencing at this time. Make the most of this moment! Look at your life and yourself and see where you need to make improvements. You can grow through the mud like a lotus flower if you remain resilient and calm. Sometimes growth is painful. Do not retreat. Gently move through it like the lotus flower blooms through the mud. Amen
Card B – Oooo hold on tight because you are about to enter some turbulent weather! It is ok. There is nothing to be alarmed about. Breatheeeeeeeeee. The destruction of the old makes way for the new. Remember that. Old things are about to be released from your life to make way for the new. When things get emotional, remember this: In order for new things to enter your life, you need to make way by removing the old things. All is well! Amen
Card C – This is the time for you to trust yourself and your higher spirit. You are entering the unknown and this could cause some fear and anxiety. Focus on your breathing and practice pivoting your vibration when you are feeling scared or anxious. There is nothing to fear in the unknown. Look at it as a precious gift waiting to be opened. All is well. Only good things await you. Amen