Guidance for Pick a Shell of 2/9/24

Shell A ~ Be easy with life today. Choose patience. Choose understanding. Remember that everyone has their own perspective in life. Don’t rush things today. Savor the moments you experience. Be thankful. All is well. Amen

Shell B ~ You know, life isn’t always easy. The unsavory moments are the ones with the greatest impact and lessons. For some reason, humans tend to understand, retain, and learn from the unwanted moments more than the wanted ones. Maybe it’s because the wanted moments come too easily. We want you to learn all that you can learn from the unwanted moments and give thanks for the lessons learned. Amen

Shell C ~ Reach out to the children in your life (even if they are all grown up). Send a text or call them. No matter how old you get, you are never too old for your parents. Your children could benefit from hearing from you today. Take the time and reach out. If you are on difficult terms, this could be the moment that turns things around. Amen