Guidance for Pick A Card of 9/8/23

CARD A ~ You are about to start a new relationship or be involved in a new relationship beginning between two people. This is a romantic relationship. Keep your mind and heart open. There is a lot of hope for this new relationship and a lot of love swirling around it. Peace and happiness abound. Amen

CARD B ~ “I AM THE RULER!” This is a mantra that you keep repeating to try and convince yourself in a certain situation. It is advised to flow with the situation like a canoe floating down a river rather than trying to control the situation. The only thing in life you can control is yourself and your actions and reactions. You cannot control another person or a life experience. All is well. Go with the flow and the situation will turn out much better than you planned! Amen

CARD C ~ You may feel that all love is lost but this is not the case. Love is always present in all circumstances. There is much growth and transformation that you are going to be experiencing soon. You may have already noticed the beginning stage. Never lose hope of love. Don’t ever let your heart harden and block out the love of others. You will blossom through what you go through. Amen