CARD A: To control your finances, you need to control yourself. It is as simple as that. You may need to do a financial reset. You should do an assessment and look at your financial situation and look for ways to cut expenses and increase income. It won’t be as hard as you may think. Once you put your finances down on paper, it will be easy for you to see where you are and where you want to go and then create a roadmap to get you there! Don’t forget to save. Amen
CARD B: You are about to embark on a romantic journey. If you have a partner, this will be something that brings you closer together. Make sure you remain sympathetic and open-hearted with your partner. Don’t allow old wounds from “yesterday” to affect today’s bliss. Forgive and Release. If you are single, you will meet someone soon that you will be interested in. This person has the potential to be a great love affair for you. Keep your eyes and your HEART open! Amen
CARD C: It is time to rest. You can be sure that your guardian angels and spirit guides are surrounding you and protecting you. You have been through some emotional things lately and you may feel weak and weary. Don’t feel guilty to rest and rejuvenate yourself. You can’t expect to keep going, going, going without ever resting. Take this time for yourself. Indulge in things that make you feel good: spa day, facial, exercise, massage, etc. You will gather your strength and be re-energized! Amen