Card A – There is something you have been working on or working towards lately. You will need to continue working on this for a while longer. You need to view this as a garden. Plant the seeds. Water them. Watch them begin to sprout. Water them. Tend to the garden and watch it grow. Once you change your mindset, it won’t feel like work anymore. Amen
Card B – Your time and effort is about to pay off and you will reap the harvest of your efforts. Be patient and be diligent. Good things come to those that wait. There is money surrounding this situation. It will be a lucrative endeavor but you must be willing to be patient and be diligent. All is well. Amen
Card C – You have been wishing and dreaming for some change to occur in your life. You must remember that you are in charge of yourself and the changes that you want to occur. You need to be proactive rather than waiting for something to happen or come to you. Your wishes will come true when you realize that you have the power to make them a reality. Amen
Peace and Love Always ~ Laura