Guidance for Pick-a-Card of 9/2/24


When you feel like you are being defeated, remember that the strength you seek lies within you. This strength lies within your Higher Spirit and is silently waiting for you to bring it forward. Don’t ever be afraid of a challenge and remember that obstacles are opportunities to grow and learn. It is important that you treat each day as a new day and another opportunity to strive to be a better person than you were yesterday. Amen

Card B ~ MAGIC

You are the magician of your life. You hold the magic to create the life that you want to live. It takes strength, hope, faith, and perseverance. It also takes not allowing others to talk you out of your dreams. Be patient and allow your dreams to grow. Plant the seeds and then tend to your gardens. Remember that a seed doesn’t break ground immediately. It takes time and nurturing. The changes you want to make will result in a great transformation and then it is when you will recognize the magic you possess. Take some time to reflect upon what you want to grow in your life. What dreams and goals do you want to harvest and then begin building your garden. Amen


You are more abundant than you think. Pay attention to all the blessings in your life and you will begin to notice more blessings. Remember that anything you plant takes time to grow. Plant seeds that are positive and good for you and others. Tend to your gardens and watch them grow and thrive. Ignore them and watch them wither and die. Amen

Peace and Love Always ~ Laura with guidance from Franciscolean

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