Guidance for Pick-a-Card of 8/30/24


You must remember when you are having a life experience that is causing negative emotions such as sorrow or anger, retreat and connect with your Higher Spirit. This is where your strength and peace lie. There is nothing in life that you cannot overcome if you remember this and rely on your Higher Spirit. Remember that it is always connected to the Divine Spirit and is your hiding place for comfort and peace. Amen


The wheel of life is always turning. Sometimes you experience situations that bring you great joy and jubilation. Other times the situations may be calmer and settled (almost boring). Then you will have the wilder times that will be filled with a range of emotions. When you are in a situation that brings you fear or uncertainty, hold on to the sides of your canoe. The ride may be wild but it won’t last forever. Go within for strength and peace. Talk to God and meditate. All is well! Amen


It is time for a retreat. Rest is what is needed. Take some time for yourself today. Enjoy these moments to nourish yourself and celebrate YOU. You have accomplished a lot over your life span. Take note of these moments by going back in time and recognizing them and giving thanks for them. This simple exercise will ground you and make you more grateful. All is well! Amen

Peace and Love Always ~ Laura with guidance from Franciscolean

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