CARD A ~ If you have been having some financial struggles recently, take the time to assess your situation. Find ways to cut some frivolous spending. It will help alleviate some stress. Write down all of your spending during the day for the next week. Be mindful before you make a frivolous purchase like a $7.00 latte from Starbucks and make it at home instead. Amen
CARD B ~ You have overcome a situation and have ended up the victor. You have surprised yourself with your strength and power. Always remember how strong and powerful you are. You can do/be/have whatever you want in life. You just have to believe. Amen
CARD C ~ “When you wish upon a star….makes no difference who you are…Anything your heart desires will come to you…” Make your wishes come true by focusing on what you want to come into your life. Keep your thoughts positive and push any negative resistance to the side. Believe it will be and it will be! Amen