Guidance for Pick-a-Card of 8/29/24

Card A ~ Perspective

Embrace life and all it has to offer. In times of struggle, try to look at life from a different perspective. Don’t get so enthralled with a situation that you lose sight of the bigger picture. Experiences are had for a reason. A decision you make gives you a life experience and a decision you don’t make gives you another life experience. The choice is up to you. You have free will. The lesson will still be given no matter which choice you make. Sometimes in life, detours bring us to the life experience in a slower way but it is always reached in Divine Timing. Remember that. Amen

Card B ~ Gratitude

You may have been enduring a situation lately that is leaving you weak and weary. When a life experience is putting you through this, take the time to rest and focus on nurturing yourself. There is nothing else to focus on when you feel weak and weary. Take time for yourself. Walk in nature. Meditate. Pray. Take a nap. Go to bed earlier at night. Soak in a bath of Epsom salt. Focus on your blessings. Be grateful. There is always something to be grateful for. Go within. Amen

Card C ~ Focus

Focus on the beauty life has to offer. Going out in nature is the quickest way to do this. Marvel at the wonders of the world and the simplicity of how it exists effortlessly. Look at the growth and blossoming of a flower. Pay attention to the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. Apply the elements of nature when you assess your life. See the wonder of your life. Notice the simplicity of how you exist effortlessly with each breath that you take. Look at the growth that you have made to get to where you are today. Pay attention to the transformation you are making and still have to complete. Everything is coming together exactly as it should. Amen

Peace and Love Always ~ Laura with guidance from Franciscolean

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