Guidance for Pick-a-Card of 8/26/24

Card A ~ Transformation

Great transformation is headed your way! In order for great transformation to occur, a lot of CHANGE must be experienced. Don’t dread it. On the contrary, embrace it. When you accept that which you dislike, it makes it easier to experience. Change may not always be wanted but it is always needed and it always comes. You are changing every second of the day through aging. Embrace the change and celebrate the TRANSFORMATION that is coming. Amen

Card B ~ Solitude

Spending time in solitude is good for the soul. It’s good for the mind, as well. Take some time today to be alone with your thoughts. Dream and envision the way you would like things to be. Do a self-assessment and look at areas of yourself that need to be improved and then make a game plan to improve them starting today. It’s never too late to improve yourself and you should strive with each new day to be a better version of yourself than you were yesterday. Amen

Card C ~ Perspective

You may feel defeated at times but it really is all about perspective. Are you really defeated? No you are never really defeated even if it feels like the whole world is against you. Tap into your perspective and using a bird’s eye view look at the situation that makes you feel defeated from different angles. When you can break it down into smaller pieces you will find how triumphant you are. It’s all about perspective. Amen


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