CARD A ~ You have been doing a lot of thoughtful thinking lately about your life and the people who surround you. It is important to take the time to assess your life and look at the direction you are headed in. Is this where you want to go? Is your destination going to arrive as quickly as you want it to? We say this from the perspective of your destination arriving rather than you arriving to your destination because we want to instill in you that you are in the driver’s seat. You are in control of your destiny. You reap the harvest that you sow. Amen
CARD B ~ There are opposites throughout every element of life. Without light, you can’t have darkness. Without fear, you cannot have hope. Recognize that there is always an opposite reaction, perspective or thought to whatever is being proposed at the moment. This is a lesson for you in the power of positive thinking. Don’t look at the glass of life as half empty. Look at the glass of life as half full. When you find yourself thinking a negative thought about something, stop, recognize the negative thought and turn it into a positive thought by thinking of the opposite thought/emotion. Be mindful. You will begin to see a shift in your life in a positive way when you are able to do this in a more regular pattern. Amen
CARD C ~ There is always a light at the end of the tunnel – a sunrise and hope of a new day on the horizon. Remember this when you are enduring life experiences that are unpleasant for you. The unpleasant experiences are opportunities for growth and to practice. If you think about it, the unpleasant experiences in your life were the ones when you grew the most and learned the lessons that you needed later on in life. You don’t have to like the unpleasant experiences in your life, but if you accept them and realize that they are vehicles for growth, they may be easier to grow through. Don’t offer resistance. Envision yourself in a canoe on the river of life. Place the oars over your lap and lean back against the back of the canoe. Focus on the warmth and brightness of the sun upon your face and smile. All is well! Amen