Guidance for Pick-a-Card of 8/25/24

Card A ~ Look for messages today. They could come in the form of a bird sighting, feather on the ground, pennies from heaven, a vision, or a voice you hear coming from within you. Pay attention closely. This message could be something you can use for the week as guidance. Don’t focus too much on that which doesn’t serve you for your highest and best. You will use a lot of energy if you dwell on that which doesn’t serve you. All is well. Amen

Card B ~ There is a conflict that you are in the middle of and it may be one where you are being forced to choose sides. It is important that you do not pick sides. Let it be known that you will stay neutral. This will ensure that you stay protected from having the conflict be directed toward you. This too shall pass is the mantra you will need to repeat often. Amen

Card C ~ The Angel of Judgment comes before you to let you know that judgment will be served. Worry not about that. We as humans are not supposed to worry about the karmic debt that a person is incurring. This karmic debt is incurred by their free will and it is nothing that you have control over. This should bring you some peace and eliminate any guilt you may feel. All is well. Amen


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