Card A – Change and growth = Transformation. Look at your life like a butterfly. There is great transformation and growth when a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. Life is the same way. Use this time of great change and growth to improve yourself and your life. You can always be a better you today than you were yesterday. Remember that. Amen
Card B – You can catch a glimpse of your future by looking to your past and the present. The decisions you make today are creating your tomorrow. Make wise choices. Take care of your body – your vessel and it will take care of you. Reflect daily on where you are in life and where you want to be in the future. Take action today to create the future you want to have. Amen
Card C – If you have been having some hard discussions or arguments with someone close to you, remember that you are not judge and jury. Neither is the other person should this role be thought of by them. Two people in a relationship (no matter what type of relationship) need to work together to make it last. If one person wants the relationship to be maintained and the other doesn’t, then it won’t work. No blame should be placed on either side. It is what it is and needs to be viewed as such. Control any urge to play judge and jury. Accept the situation and improve it or discard it but it takes both people to make it work! Amen
Peace and Love Always ~ Laura