Guidance for Pick-a-Card of 8/21/24

Card A ~ Love abounds everywhere! Look for it, and you will find it. That is all that we want you to do. Don’t worry about not having enough love in your life. You may are looking at love from the wrong perspective if that is how you think! Focusing on lack only makes you notice more lacking in your life. Focusing on the abundance in your life will make you notice how abundant you truly are! Perspective is KEY. Amen

Card B ~ You are more in control of your life and situations in your life than you think you are. It is important to stay grounded and realistic and remember that your control lies within yourself. You have the power to influence a situation based upon your actions and your perspective. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself. Your control comes in the form of control over your emotions and reactions. Choose wisely which ones you will allow to control the situation and ultimately yourself. Amen

Card C ~ If you spend your whole day wishing, then you will not achieve anything. It is OK to daydream. It is healthy and natural, but getting lost in your daydreams keeps you from being active. In order for a dream to come true, you need to take action. Dream your dreams, and then get busy to start bringing them to life! It is never ever ever too late to start over again. Amen