Guidance for Pick-a-Card of 8/17/24

Card A – There is a situation that you are denying. You are choosing to ignore something that continues to repeat itself over and over again. No matter how hard you try to ignore it, it still comes. It is repeating itself until you give it the attention it desires. Don’t be afraid. Action will set you free! Amen

Card B – Take advantage of the power of the full moon coming up on Monday the 19th. You can harness the power and use it to manifest what you want in your life. Be sure to repeat a mantra three times during your full moon ceremony to bring forth what you want. There is great change and transformation that can occur. Efforts must be made. Don’t expect change and transformation without action. Amen

Card C – Hard work pays off. You know this! You have had enough experiences in life to make you realize that hard work always pays off. What is it that you want to achieve? Don’t be afraid to take the first step and walk into the unknown. A million beautiful surprises await…. Amen

Peace and Love ~ Laura with guidance from FRANCISCOLEAN