Guidance for Pick-a-Card of 8/11/24

Card A ~ It is time to take a rest. There is something that you have been battling for a while and now it is time to stop and retreat. This could be an internal battle with yourself: your thoughts, a mindset, a habit, etc. This could be an external battle with another. Either way, it is time to take a break and rest and reset. Reset and you will strengthen yourself for another round. The end is near but you need to reset to finish the battle. Amen

Card B ~ Quiet time alone is what is needed here. Solitude and reflection will help you clear your head and allow you the time to make the right decision for YOU. FOR YOU – NOT FOR ANYONE ELSE. You must place your focus on yourself and NOT FEEL GUILTY ABOUT IT! There is nothing wrong with self-preservation. On the contrary! If you aren’t good to yourself….how can you be good for others??? Rest. Relax. Reflect. Rejuvenation. Amen

Card C ~ Even when things seem out of your control….you must remember you are in control….of YOURSELF AND YOUR EMOTIONS. That is all you have control over anyways. You never have control over situations or over people so let it go. Let it go……Place your focus on what you can control: your emotions….your thoughts….your actions and you will find the strength that you are looking for. Go forth in peace, dear one! Amen