Guidance for Pick-a-Card of 7/4/24

Card A ~ It is time to take control of your life. No backseat driving anymore. TAKE CONTROL. You have the power to do, have or be whatever you want in life. You need to seize the moment. Do not allow that little voice of ego in your head to tell you that you aren’t good enough or you can’t have the life you want. Rise above! Amen

Card B ~ You tend to beat yourself up when you feel that your heart is broken. Don’t add more insult to injury. Dust yourself off and stand up and straighten your crown. There is nothing to regret or feel sorry about. Life is all about experiences, lessons and growth. Keep the lessons and move on. There are more opportunities and experiences waiting around the corner. Amen

Card C ~ The number two is a powerful number. Two is the completion of one. Two is balance. Two is union. Two is soulmates. Two is spiritual. Connect with another in your life the completes you. Share moments together. Life is fluid and so are the experiences that come with life. Keep your relationships fluid as well. Amen